Lens Replacement Surgery
Age is no barrier to enjoying the benefits of Lens Replacement Surgery. Almost all of us will need reading glasses in our 40s or 50s. This is due to age-related deterioration in the focusing power of the eye, known as presbyopia. If you are using reading, bifocal, varifocal glasses or contact lenses and want to see better without them, Lens Replacement Surgery is for you.
Laser Eye Surgery can usually correct the vision for distance, as only a very small number of patients can be helped with laser monovision or blended vision. If you are more than 40 years old, you will still need to wear reading glasses after laser eye treatment. Furthermore, you will most likely develop cataracts (further age related deterioration of the lens of the eye) in your 60s, which could reduce or eliminate the benefits of any Laser Eye Surgery.
Lens Replacement Surgery is a more appropriate option than Laser Eye Surgery if you use glasses or contact lenses for reading and/or distance activities like driving.
After Lens Replacement Surgery, you will never need a cataract operation as the ageing lens of the eye is exchanged for a brand new plastic lens, preventing the development of a cataract. Lens Replacement Surgery is like bringing forward your cataract operation by a few years to improve your vision without glasses or contact lenses for both distance and near.
Lens Replacement Surgery Techniques & Acronyms
Confused by terms like PRELEX, lens replacement, refractive lens exchange, Clarivu etc. ? These are all alternative names given to describe Lens Exchange Surgery. There is no uniqueness to Lens Replacement Surgery carried out under a trade name by some clinics. This is simply a marketing gimmick.
Replacement Lens Technology
Restor, ReZoom, Tecnis Multifocal, Crystalens, Synchrony, Light Adjustable Lens and LentisMplus are brand names of various available replacement lens designs. They can all be grouped into one of the following categories: aspheric monofocal, accommodative, refractive or diffractive multifocal lenses.
We are one of the most experienced centres worldwide when it comes to Lens Replacement Surgery, with more than 12 years experience of using all of these categories of lens.
No lens design is perfect, and the challenge is to choose the lens to match an individual patient’s needs. We have pioneered many techniques in this field, including the PANFOCAL vision assessment to tailor the choice of lenses to each patient. Some of our happiest patients are patients with CustomLens, a technique in which lenses of two different designs are used, one in each eye of a patient to provide the full range of near, intermediate and distance vision.
Your Comprehensive Assessment
At your consultation with Mr Pande, he will discuss the risks, benefits, alternative treatment options and potential complications associated with lens exchange surgery in great detail, and recommend the most appropriate option for your specific individual circumstances. If you are not a good candidate you will be advised not to have any surgery. A letter outlining the consultation will be sent to you and your general practitioner.
Suitability for Lens Replacement Surgery
If you are more than 40 years old, use reading, bifocal or varifocal glasses, or contact lenses of any prescription, have otherwise healthy eyes and enjoy good general health, you are an excellent candidate forLens Replacement Surgery.
Safety & Results
The vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision for distance, and are able to use computers, read menus, newspapers, books, magazines and telephone directories without spectacles. However, we advise our patients that for the purpose of deciding whether to have Lens Replacement Surgery, they need to assume that without spectacles they will achieve the legal standard required to drive a car and be able to read most things in good light.
The level of near (reading) and intermediate (using a computer) vision can be tailored to individual requirements by using different replacement lens designs. We have pioneered the CustomLens technique, which gives patients the full range of near, intermediate and distance vision by customising lens choice in each eye.
As with all treatments, Lens Replacement Surgery carries with a small risk of severe complications can occur in about 1% to 5% of cases.
No single vision correction procedure is suitable for all patients and it is critical that treatments are tailored to fit the needs of each and every individual patient.
“I’m so glad I’ve done it and I would say to anyone considering lens replacement surgery that the sooner you get it done, the longer you have to enjoy absolutely brilliant vision.”
“It has given me a new lease of life, it’s utterly fantastic. If I knew before what I know now, I’d have done it years ago, I can’t praise Mr Pande enough and it was worth every penny.”
Lady Golfers
Mrs Clark said “I tried contact lenses but couldn’t get on with them so I went to see Mr Pande and the rest is history. Now, I’ve got my good eyesight back again and I’m thrilled.”
“What they do here is so skilful and I have recommended surgery to several people since I had it done. You have to give them real consideration as the treatment is so expert.”
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