Mr Milind Pande
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Medical Director
Milind heads the Vision Surgery & Research Centre. He initially trained in Yorkshire prior to taking up the prestigious Iris Fund Research Fellowship at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London.
He was a lecturer at Oxford University before joining the Hull Royal Infirmary as a consultant ophthalmologist. He has over 30 years of clinical and surgical experience in the field of ophthalmology across four continents, with sub-speciality experience in cataract, cornea and refractive surgery.
His innovative work in the fields of Advanced Refractive Cataract Surgery, Lens Replacement Surgery, Laser Eye Surgery is well recognised throughout the profession.
Whether it is organising the annual State of the Art Refractive and Cataract Surgery Symposium in Hull, which has been running since 2001, running a surgical workshop in India or lecturing in China, Europe, Africa or America, teaching is a passion of his. His peers have honoured him with numerous invitations to demonstrate his surgical techniques via live satellite transmission at national and international conferences. Other honours include being invited to join the International Intraocular Implant Club, an international select group of pioneers in vision correction surgery.
He is a recent Past President of the United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, and is on the laser eye surgery committee of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. A leader in his profession, he is respected for his clinical experience, surgical skills and his dedication to sensitive patient-focused care. His reputation has attracted patients from all over the UK, as well as from Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
More About Mr Pande
Milind Pande felt extremely proud and humbled when his peers elected him to be the President of the United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons in 2010.
He was honoured to have been given this opportunity to serve the Society and completed his successful tenure in September 2012.
Milind Pande has been honoured with invitations to demonstrate his surgical techniques by satellite transmission at various international eye surgery conferences including the following:
Live advanced refractive cataract surgery, Maharashtra Ophthalmological Society Annual Congress, Pune (India); October 2011
Live refractive cataract surgery, Annual Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, London; September 2006
Live refractive cataract surgery, Annual Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Lisbon; September 2005
Live refractive cataract surgery, UKISCRS Annual Meeting, King Edward VII Hospital, Windsor; September 2005
Live surgery broadcast, Belgian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Brussels; June, 2005
Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Antwerp; January 2005
Live refractive cataract surgery, Annual Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Munich; September 2003
Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Antwerp; January 2003
Live refractive cataract surgery, Annual Congress of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Marseille; September 2002
Live surgery, Ocular Surgery News Symposium, Venice; May 2000
Live surgery, Satelcataracta, Milan; October 2000
Milind Pande is a frequent and much sought-after lecturer at both national and international eye surgery conferences:
Spectacle Independence after Lens Surgery – Royal Society of Medicine: Holistic Lens Surgery – RSM, London. 11th January 2018
When Things Don’t Go To Plan – SARCSS XVII Annual Symposium – Hull University Business School. 16th June 2017
Optimising Cataract Outcomes – RCOphth Annual Congress 2017 – Hilton, Liverpool, UK. 22nd May 2017
Unhappy & Challenging Cataract & Refractive Patients – case discussion – Belgian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Annual Meeting – Waterloo, Brussels. 22nd April 2017
Extended Range of Vision IOLs – Moving beyond Conventional Multi-focality – 68th Annual Conference of the Delhi Ophthalmological Society, New Delhi, India. 8th April 2017
Functional Vision Measures to treat Presbyopia with IOLs – 11th Bi-annual IIIC Scientific Meeting. Mendoza, Argentina. 4th March 2017
Presbyopia IOLs Update – Post-grad Meeting at St Stephen’s Hospital, New Delhi
Update on Toric IOLS – RCOphth – Cataract & Refractive Surgery Seminar. RCOphth London, UK. 16th November 2016
40 years of UKISCRS – A very special Anniversary Session – UKISCRS XXXX Annual Meeting. Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London, UK. 20thOctober 2016
Managing corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery: Top-up Treatment – Laser & Non-laser – UKISCRS XXXX Annual Meeting. Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London, UK. 20th October 2016
Laser Refractive session: Comparison of different multifocal IOLs – UKISCRS XXXX Annual Meeting. Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London, UK. 20th October 2016
Managing Early Complications in Cataract Surgery (Instructional Course) – ESCRS XXXIII Congress 2016, Copenhagen. 11th September 2016
Success with Symfony IOLs (in association with AMO) – ESCRS XXXIII Congress 2016, Copenhagen. September 2016
Navigating the Storm: Cognition in Complication Management – SARCSS XVI Annual Symposium. Hull University Business School. 17th June 2016
Cataract Surgery – Complications Simplified: Managing the Missed Target – RCO Annual Congress 2016, ICC, Birmingham, UK. 25th May 2016
Who is suitable for toric and multifocal IOLs? – UKISCRS 40th Annual Congress, Cornea & Cataract Programme. ICC Birmingham, UK. 23rd May 2016
Extended Depth of Focus IOLs – BSRS Annual Meeting, Forest of Arden, UK. 5th March 2016
The Art & Science of Presbyopia IOLs – The Royal Society, London. February 2016
Trends in Ophthalmology – The Royal Society, London. February 2016
Customised IOL Selection – Leicester Cataract Teaching Programme. Leicester, UK. November 2015
‘Deliver more than you can Promise’ The Efficacy of the Symfony Lens – AMO After-Summer Congress. The Netherlands. October 2015
Adopting the Extended Range of Vision IOL into a premium practice – ESCRS XXXIII Barcelona September 2015
Predicting the IOL Position – XV SARCS Annual Symposium, Hull, UK, June 2015
Extended Range of Vision IOLs – XV SARCS Annual Symposium, Hull, UK, June 2015
Multifocal IOLs offer no significant advantages over Monovision for Presbyopia Correction after Cataract Surgery; The Great Debate – RCO Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, May 2015
Understanding Toric IOLs – UKISCRS Satellite Meeting; Cornea & Cataract Symposium. Liverpool, UK, May 2015
Vitreous Loss Masterclass; Managing Post-op Complications – UKISCRS; Young Ophthalmologists Programme. Institute of Ophthalmologists, London. March 2015
Abstract Judging; Cataract & Refractive Surgery/Corneal & External Eye Diseases/ Optics & Refraction – RCOphth College Congress, RCOphth, London. November 2014
Use of Functional Vision Assessments in Restoring Spectacle-free Functional Vision in Cataract & Refractive Lens Exchange Patients – 73rd All India Ophthalmological Society Annual Conference, New Delhi, India. February 2015
You make the Call; Real-time Reactions of Experts to Unseen Videos (Chairperson) – ESCRS 38th Annual Meeting, London. September 2014
Dense Brown Cataracts – 4th Ayr Cataract Surgery Meeting. Ayr, Scotland. August 2014
Mixing & Matching Premium IOLs – 4th Ayr Cataract Surgery Meeting. Ayr, Scotland. August 2014
Femto Cataract Surgery; Evidence-based Update – 4th Ayr Cataract Surgery Meeting. Ayr, Scotland. August 2014
Dense Brown Cataracts – XIVth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. University of Hull, UK. June 2014
Understanding Toric IOLS – XIVth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. University of Hull, UK. June 2014
How to Avoid Complications in Cataract Surgery – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, ICC, Birmingham UK. May 2014
Update on IOL Technology – UKISCRS Cornea & Cataract Day. Think-tank Museum, ICC, Birmingham UK. May 2014
Choosing the Right Lens: Monofocal, Mulifocal, Toric, Accommodative – Nottingham Eye Symposium & Research Meeting. East Midlands Conference Centre, UK. January 2014
Crystalens (on behalf of Bausch & Lomb) Surgical Correction of Presbyopia – Belgian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Ophthalmologica Belgica Congress. November 2013
Technis Low Add IOL (on behalf of AMO) – ESCRS, Amsterdam. October 2013
The Art & Science of Sulcus IOLs – UKISCRS XXXVII Annual Conference, Manchester, UK. September 2013
New IOL Technology – UKISCRS XXXVII Annual Conference, Manchester, UK. September 2013
Assessing Functional Vision in Presbyopia, and IOL Options – St Stephen’s Hospital, Tis, Hazari, Delhi, India. August 2013
Co-presenting: Ageing, Patient Choice and Healthcare Systems: The Case of Cataract. Presenting: Experiences in practice with patient information and patient-informed choice on different options in cataract care, specificities of the UK system and possible envisaged effects of the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive – European Parliament, Brussels. July 2013
Presbyopic IOLs; Patient Custom Optimisation – BSRS Annual Congress. The Belfry, West Midlands, UK. June 2013
Strategies for Correcting Astigmatism in Phakic Patients – BSRS Annual Congress. The Belfry, West Midlands, UK. June 2013
Custom Lex – XIIIth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. University of Hull, UK. June 2013
Overview of Femto-cataract Systems – XIIIth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. University of Hull, UK. June 2013
IOL Solutions for Presbyopia – 5th CYMRU Anterior Segment Symposium, Cardiff, UK. May 2013
Trends In Ophthalmology; Femtosecond Cataract Surgery – The Royal Society, London, UK. February 2013
Guest speaker to post-grad students – Yorkshire Ophthalmology Department, St James’ Hospital, Leeds. February 2013
Customised Presbyopia IOL Solutions: Right Lens, Right Patient – New Horizons in Cataract Surgery. London, UK. November 2012
Challenging Cases – BSRS, The Belfry, West Midlands, UK. June 2012
Clinical Science of Accommodative Lenses – Crystalens Course, Bausch & Lomb, Amsterdam. May 2012
Clinical Use of the Crystalens – Crystalens Course, Bausch & Lomb, Amsterdam. May 2012
The Perfect IOL – RCO Annual Congress, Liverpool, UK, May 2012
Refractive Enhancement after Cataract Surgery – UKISCRS Satellite Meeting, Liverpool, UK. May 2012
Mono Multivision: New Technique for Emmetropic Presbyopia Patients – ASCRS, Chicago, April 2012
Accommodative Multifocal Mix & Match: Complete Presbyopia Patients – ASCRS, Chicago, April 2012
Intraocular Surgery Accommodating IOLs – ASCRS, Chicago, April 2012
Accommodating IOLS – UKISCRS Refractive Surgery Meeting. Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. March 2012
Mixing Presbyopic Lenses – UKISCRS Refractive Surgery Meeting. Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. March 2012
Refractive Surprise Lasers or Lenses – 1st Manchester Corneal & Cataract/Refractive Symposium. Bury, UK. November 2011
Correction of Presbyopia & Astigmatism: Case-based Interactive Session – Annual Conference of the Maharasashtra Ophthalmological Society, Pune, India. October 2011
Prebyopia IOls – UKISCRS XXXVth Annual Meeting, Southport, UK. October 2011
Femto-second Micro-incision Cataract Surgery – UKISCRS XXXVth Annual Meeting, Southport, UK. October 2011
Mono Multi-Vision: A New Technique for Correction in Emmetropic Presbyopia Patients – ESCRS, Vienna. September 2011
Clinical Outcomes of the Crystalens AO Accommodative IOL – ESCRS, Vienna. September 2011
Multi-focal Intraocular Lenses – Scottish Ophthalmological Club Centenary Meeting. Edinburgh, UK. September 2011
Astigmatic Surprise – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. The Business School, University of Hull, UK. June 2011
Micro-incision Cataract Surgery Phaco-dynamics – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. The Business School, University of Hull, UK. June 2011
The Very Dense Brown Lens – UKISCRS Satellite Meeting. Birmingham, UK. May 2011
Refractive & Diffractive Multi-focal IOLs. Patient Selection and IOL Choice – Cambridge Cornea & Cataract Symposium. St John’s College, Cambridge. April 2011
Accommodative Lens Implants – The 15th Nottingham Eye Symposium & Research Meeting, January 2011
Managing unhappy presbyopia IOL patients – UKISCRS Workshop, Brighton, UK. November 2010
IOL Calculation after Refractive Surgery – 17th Scientific Congress of British Society for Refractive Surgery. The Belfry, West Midlands. June 2010
Aspheric accommodating IOLs – 17th Scientific Congress of British Society for Refractive Surgery. West Midlands. June 2010
Correcting Presbyopia with IOLs – Accommodating, mono-optic – World Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin. June 2010
Advances in Intra-ocular Lenses – Aspherics – Xth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium. University of Hull, June 2010
Basics of Femto-second Lasers – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. Liverpool UK. May 2010
Panfocal VA after Multifocal Mix & Match – American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. April 2010
Surgical & Clinical Pearls – Case Studies – Bausch & Lomb Crystalens Course. London, UK. March 2010
Cataract Surgery after Refractive Surgery: All India Ophthalmic Society Annual Congress, Kolkata, India. January 2010
Post-operative inflammation after cataract surgery: Bausch & Lomb Symposium, Birmingham. November 2009.
Spherical Targeting & Getting Inside Biometry – Chair – UKISCRS, Leeds. October 2009
How to Achieve your Desired Refractive Outcome after Cataract Surgery – UKISONT, Leeds. October 2009
Understanding Biometry formulae – UKISCRS, Leeds. October 2009
Vidoes of Complex Cases of Cataract Surgery & Discussions
Videos of Complications in Cataract Surgery & Discussions
Videos of Refractive Surgery recorded in the OR of International Surgeons
Focus on Toric IOLs: Implantation Technique, Stability, Precision
Focus on Customised PRK: Patient Selection
Focus on Lasik: Present & Future
Focus on Emerging Techniques & Technology in Refractive Surgery
Medicongress, Milan. October 2009
BSRS, London. July 2009
IOL Optimisation: An Overview – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2009.
Mix & Match – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2009.
Panel Discussion of Clinical Scenarios – Chair – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2009.
Making the right IOL choice; leading design, leading technology – AMO Leadership in Vision meeting. London. 15th June 2009
Achieving success with Multifocal IOLs – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. 21st May 2009
Surgical correction of presbyopia -Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. 21st May 2009
Correcting astigmatism in refractive cataract surgery – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress. 20th May 2009
Making the right IOL choice; leading design, leading technology – AMO Leadership in Vision meeting. London. 19th May 2009
Cataract surgery & co-morbidity; Every Day Challenges; Cataract surgery in post-refractive eyes. UKISCRSS Satellite Meeting. Birmingham. 18thMay 2009.
Ethics & Minimising the Risks in Refractive Surgery. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Brighton. November 2008.
Customised Staged Multifocal Lens Implantation – Mix & Match. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Brighton. November 2008.
Recent Advances in Refractive Surgery. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Brighton. November 2008.
Co-axial Micro Incision Cataract Surgery. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Brighton. November 2008.
Correcting Spherical Aberration in Cataract Surgery. Bausch & Lomb MICS Symposium, Manchester. October 2008.
Correcting Spherical Aberration in Cataract Surgery. Bausch & Lomb MICS Symposium, London. October 2008.
Mix & Match Compatibility Index; Choosing the best Binocular Vision. ESCRS, Berlin. September 2008.
Instructional Course: Success with Multifocal IOLs. ESCRS, Berlin. September 2008.
Surgical Skill Training Course: LASIK Wetlab. ESCRS, Berlin. September 2008.
Accurate Measurement of Axial Length. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2008
Customised Staged Multifocal Lens Implantation – Mix & Match. AMO Leadership in Vision Meeting, London. May 2008.
Customised Staged Multifocal Lens Implantation – Mix & Match. AMO Leadership in Vision Meeting, Liverpool. May 2008.
Correcting Spherical Aberration in Cataract Surgery. Bausch & Lomb Cataract & Refractive Symposium, Belgium. April 2008.
Instructor – Skills Transfer Session: Advanced Phaco Lab. ASCRS, Chicago. April 2008.
Mix and Match Compatibility Index: Choosing the Best Combination for Binocular Vision. ASCRS, Chicago. April, 2008
The Role of Wavefront Technology in Corneal Refractive Surgery. UKISCRS Annual Meeting. Harrogate. September 2007.
New Trend in Cataract Surgery. UKISCRS Nurses & Allied Professional Day. Harrogate. September 2007.
Multifocal Intraocular Lenses. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2007
Panel Discussion of Case Scenarios. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2007
The Great Debate: Accommodative IOLs are the Future. Joint Congress of SOE / AAO 2007, Vienna. June 2007
Invited Speaker. Alcon Restor Meeting, ESCRS. September 2006.
Debate: Routine Cataract Surgery should be carried out in Treatment Centres. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress. July 2006.
Optical Principles of Correcting Spherical Aberration with Intraocular Lenses. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2006.
Managing Unhappy Patients with Presbyopia Correcting Intraocular Lenses. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2006.
The Great Debate – In Favour of Accommodative Lenses. Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Manchester. May 2006.
Correcting Spherical Aberration in Cataract Surgery. Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Manchester. May 2006.
In Vivo Measurement of Optical Centration of IOL’s: New Method. ASCRS, San Francisco. March 2006.
‘Lasik Technique’: Laser Refractive Surgery Didactic Course. Postgraduate Medical Centre, York Hospitals NHS Trust. February 2006.
Update: Laser Refractive Surgery. Trent Regional Ophthalmic Study Day. September, 2005.
Keynote Lecture: Multifocal and Accommodative Implants. Trent Regional Ophthalmic Study Day. September, 2005.
Running a Surgery Centre: Pleasures and Pitfalls. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Chester. September 2005.
‘You the Jury’ – Accommodative Implants – In favour of HumanOptics 1CU. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Chester. September 2005.
Understanding Multifocal IOL’s. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2005.
Accommodative & Multifocal Lens Exchange. State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull. June 2005.
Refractive Lens Exchange Using the Millennium Advanced Flow System. ASCRS, Washington DC, April 2005
Panellist for Paper Abstracts – Cataract/Refractive: Presbyopia: Multifocal, Accommodating IOL’s. ASCRS, Washington DC, April 2005
Limitations and Complications of LASIK. Euro-Asian Ophthalmology Congress, Shanghai, China, March 2005
Which Treatment for Each Patient – Debate – The advantages and disadvantages of Phakic IOL’s, Lasik/Lasek, Toric IOL’s, IOL’s and Limbal Relaxing Incisions. Euro-Asian Ophthalmology Congress, Shanghai, China, March 2005.
Presbyopia Symposium. Euro-Asian Ophthalmology Congress, Shanghai, China, March 2005.
Refractive Surgery. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Spring Ophthalmology Symposium, Glasgow, March 2005.
Spherical, Astigmatic and Presbyopic Targeting in Refractive Cataract Surgery -Medical Research Foundation, Chennai, India, December 2004.
Vision Correction Surgery – Beyond the Speed of Light. MAMCOS Scientific Session, Delhi, December, 2004.
Surgical Correction of Presbyopia – Trends in Ophthalmology, Refractive Surgery Symposium, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, November 2004.
Advanced Control in Phacoemulsification – Eurotimes New Technology Symposium, ESCRS Congress, Paris, September, 2004.
You The Jury – Against Bimanual Phacoemulsification. UKISCRS Annual Meeting in Chester, September, 2004.
Astigmatic Correction in Cataract Surgery – Midlands Ophthalmological Society, Nottingham, June, 2004.
PRELEX with Accommodative IOL’s – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, June 2004.
Wavefront Guided Laser Ablation – State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, June 2004.
New Perspectives of Refractive Surgery – Satellite Symposium to the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Manchester, May 2004.
Astigmatic & Presbyopic Targeting after Refractive Cataract Surgery – UKISCRS Satellite Meeting, May 2004.
New Advances in Power Modulation & Fluidics – Panellist in the JJ Bausch Innovation Lecture, ASCRS. San Diego, May 2004.
Royal Society of Medicine Debate – The Future of Ophthalmology is Outside the NHS, March, 2004
Presbyopic Lens Exchange & Restoring Accommodation in Cataract Patients – Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, Varanasi, India, January 2004.
Correcting High Order Aberrations in Cataract Surgery – Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, Varanasi, India, January 2004.
LASEK – An Overview – Euro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Shanghai, China, December 2003.
Correcting High Order Aberrations in Cataract Surgery – Euro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Shanghai, China, December 2003.
You The Jury – In Favour of HumanOptics 1CU. UKISCRS Annual Meeting in Chester, September, 2003.
Astigmatic Targeting – State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, June 2003.
Accommodative IOL’s – Clinical Results – State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, June 2003.
Optimization – A Practical Approach – State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, June 2003.
Astigmatic Targeting (Theoretical Aspects) – Bespoke Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham, May, 2003.
Presbyopia: Multifocals & Accommodative IOL’s – 7th Nottingham Eye Symposium & Research Meeting, January, 2003.
Refractive Surgery Beyond LASIK – Surgical Workshop on Refractive Surgery, St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds, January, 2003.
Accommodative IOL’s and PRELEX – Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, January 2003.
Management of Astigmatism – Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, January 2003.
New IOL Models: TECNIS – Antwerp Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, January 2003.
Accommodative Intraocular Lenses – Oxford Alumni Meeting, December 2002.
Iris Reconstruction – Oxford Alumni Meeting, December 2002.
Axial Length Measurement – UKISCRS Annual Meeting in Chester, September 2002.
You The Jury – UKISCRS Annual Meeting in Chester, September 2002.
Aniridic Adventure – UKISCRS Annual Meeting in Chester, September 2002.
Refractive Surprise in Refractive Cataract Surgery – North of England Ophthalmological Society Meeting, Knowsley Hall, Prescott, June 2002.
Refractive Surgery – A G.P. Perspective – PGA Meeting, Hull, June 2002.
State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery – Seminar for Optometrists at the RCO Annual Congress in Manchester, May 2002.
Astigmatism & Refractive Surprise – UKISCRS Satellite Meeting in Manchester, May 2002.
Spherical Targeting – State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, April 2002.
Astigmatic Targeting – State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium, Hull, April 2002.
The Perfect Intraocular Lens – Update on Intraocular Lenses, Buxted Park, March 2002.
Accommodation the Last Frontier: Guru Nanak Research Society, New Delhi, India, January 2002.
Advances in Small Incision Cataract Surgery: Aurungabad Medical College, Aurungabad, India, January 2002.
Refractive Cataract Surgery: North East Trent Ophthalmology Society June 2001
Managing Astigmatism in Cataract Surgery: Keynote Lecture to the Egyptian Society of Ophthalmologists, Cairo March 2001.
The Art and Science of Intra-ocular Lens Choice: Keynote Lecture to the Egyptian Society of Ophthalmologists, Cairo March 2001.
Approaching Zero Power Phacoemulsification: Egyptian Society of Ophthalmologists, Cairo March 2001.
Intraocular Lens Biocompatibility: IOLs Meeting, Harrogate, March 2001
Spherical Targeting: Midland Society of Ophthalmology, March 2001
High Volume Cataract Surgery: Action on Cataract Meeting, Chester 2001
LRI’s and AK in Cataract Surgery: Scarborough Symposium June 2000
Piggyback IOLs: Scarborough Symposium June 2000
Posterior Capsular Opacification- A Perspective: Irish Congress of Ophthalmology March 2000.
Innovations in Cataract and Refractive Surgery: Seven lectures in all at this two day meeting in India. November 1999.
Vision for Life – A lifetime of Vision. Public Lecture for Hull Community Health Council. September 1998.
Assessing In-vivo Biocompatibility of Intra-Ocular Lenses; SOE, Budapest, Hungary. June 1997.
Objective assessment of cataract surgery. East Anglian Society of Ophthalmology. Ipswich. June 1997.
Posterior capsular opacification: Imaging, assessment and interactions with implant biomaterials. Trends in Ophthalmology. London. November 1995
Assessing lens capsule opacification: Pitfalls and success.
Clinical research Symposium on Fibrotic reaction after surgery: Posterior capsule, conjunctiva. XIIIth Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Amsterdam, Netherlands. October 1995.
Objective assessment of the cornea after PRK.
Clinical research Symposium on Anatomical and functional evaluation of the cornea after refractive surgery. XIIIth Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Amsterdam, Netherlands. October 1995.
Ideal specifications and clinical evaluation of multifocal IOLs.
Clinical research Symposium on Functional evaluation of multifocal IOLs. XIIIth Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Amsterdam, Netherlands. October 1995.
In Vivo Human Lens epithelial cell response to PMMA, Silicone and Acrysof Implants. Keynote lecture: All India Intraocular Implant Conference. Bombay, India January 1995.
The postoperative inflammatory response to Phacoemulsification and extra-capsular cataract extraction.
Keynote lecture: Annual Congress of the All India Ophthalmological Society. Bombay, India February 1995.
Natural history of lens epithelial cell behaviour after cataract surgery. Trends in Ophthalmology. London. November 1994.
Teaching eye surgery is a passion, and we have learnt a lot from organising and running national and international courses for eye surgeons worldwide:
Royal Society of Medicine
11th January 2018
AMO Global Strategic Advisory Board Meeting
La Jolla, California, USA. 12th – 18th December 2017
Lisbon, Portugal. 7th – 11th September 2017
XVII SARCS Annual Symposium
Hull University Business School, Hull, UK, 16th June 2017
UKISCRS Cornea & Cataract Day (RCOphth)
Hilton, Liverpool, UK. 22nd May 2017
Belgian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons Annual Meeting
Waterloo, Brussels. 22nd April 2017
68th Annual Conference of Delhi Ophthalmological Society
Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India, 7th – 9th April 2017
111th Bi-annual IIIC Scientific Meeting
Mendoza, Argentina. 3rd – 7th March 2017
AOOSIS Advisory Board Meeting
London UK. 20th January 2017
Alcon UK & Ireland Surgical Advisory Board Meeting
8th – 9th December 2016
AMO Global Strategic Advisory Board Meeting
La Jolla, California, USA. 1st – 3rd December 2016
Post- grad Meeting
St Stephen’s Hospital New Delhi. November 2016
RCOphth – Cataract & Refractive Surgery Seminar
RCOphth, London UK. 16th November 2016
UKISCRS Annual Meeting 2016
Millennium Gloucester Hotel, London, UK. 19th – 21st October 2016
AOOSIS Advisory Board Meeting
London UK. 23rd September 2016
Copenhagen. 10 – 17th September 2016
MAMCOS UK 28th Reunion
The Park Royal Hotel, Warrington, UK. 4th September 2016
XVI SARCS Annual Symposium
Hull University Business School, Hull, UK, 17th June 2016
RCO Annual Congress 2016
ICC Birmingham. 24 – 26 May 2016
UKISCRS Think Tank – Cornea & Cataract Day
Birmingham. 23rd May 2016
AOOSIS European Advisory Board Meeting
Frankfurt. 13th April 2016
AOOSIS Advisory Board Meeting
London, UK. 18th March 2016
BSRS VIIth Annual Meeting.
Forest of Arden, UK. 5th March 2016
Trends in Ophthalmology
The Royal Society, London. 5th February 2016.
UKISCRS Council Meeting
London, UK. 29th January 2016
AMO Global Strategic Advisory Board Meeting
La Jolla, California, USA. December 2015
Leicester Cataract Teaching Programme
Leicester, UK. November 2015
UKISCRS 39th Annual Meeting
London, UK. 23rd October 2015
AMO After-Summer Congress
Amsterdam, October 2015
AMO, Strategic Advisory Board Meeting Advanced Optics & IOLs
ESCRS XXXIII Barcelona September 2015
IIIC: Scientific Programme
Gleneagles Highland Resort, Scotland July 2014
AMO, Advisory Board Meeting: Laser Refractive Surgery
Frankfurt, June 2015
Moorfields Femto-phakic Course
Moorfields Hospital, London, UK, June 2015
XV SARCS Annual Symposium
Hull University Business School, Hull, UK, June 2015
RCO Annual Congress
Liverpool, UK, May 2015
UKISCRS Satellite Meeting; Cornea & Cataract Symposium
Liverpool, UK, May 2015
AOOSIS Board Meeting
Institute of Directors, London, May 2015
Bausch & Lomb Cataract Experts Meeting
London, April 2015
UKISCRS Young Ophthalmologists Programme
Institute of Ophthalmologists, London, March 2015
73rd All India Ophthalmological Society Annual Conference, New Delhi, India. February 2015
AMO Global Advisory Board Meeting, La Jolla, California, USA, December 2014
Abstract Judging; Cataract & Refractive Surgery/Corneal & External Eye Diseases/ Optics & Refraction.
RCOphth College Congress, RCOphth, London. November 2014
Ophthalmology Primary Care Education Forum (co-presenting to GP Audience)
Staff House, University of Hull. September 2014
Interactive Free Papers; Pseudophakic IOLs/Toric. Session co-moderator.
ESCRS XXXIIth Congress. London, September 2014
4th Ayr Cataract Surgery Meeting
Ayr, Scotland. August 2014
XIVth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium – Organiser & Chair
University of Hull, UK. June 2014
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, ICC, Birmingham UK. May 2014
UKISCRS Cornea & Cataract Day. Think-tank Museum, ICC, Birmingham UK. May 2014
AOOSIS Board Meeting,
IoD London. May 2014
Nottingham Eye Symposium & Research Meeting
East Midlands Conference Centre, UK. January 2014
XIIIth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium – Organiser & Chair
University of Hull, UK. June 2013
Patient Education Seminar
Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital, East Yorkshire. October 2012
Surgical Skill Training Course: LASIK Wetlab
ESCRS, Milan. September 2012
XIIth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium – Organiser & Chair
University of Hull, UK. June 2012
UKISCRS Refractive Meeting – Organiser & Chair
Dublin; March 2012
Optometry Workshop
Spire Hull & East Riding Hospital, Anlaby; March 2012
UKISCRS Annual Meeting – Organiser & Chair
Southport; October 2011
Success with Presbyopia Correcting IOLs – Co-organiser
AMO University Premier, Southport; October 2011
Crystalens Practice Development Course
Bausch & Lomb, Noordwijk (The Netherlands); June 2011
XIth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium – Organiser & Chair
University of Hull; June 2011
Sight-threatening Complications of Cataract Surgery – Organiser & Chair
Success with Presbyopic IOLs – Organiser & ChairRoyal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, The ICC, Birmingham; May 2011
Patient Education Seminar
Spire Hull & East Rising Hospital, Anlaby; March 2011
Achieving success with Crystalens – Co-organiser
Bausch & Lomb, Copenhagen; October 2010
Xth State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium – Organiser & Chair
University of Hull; June 2010
Surgical & Clinical Pearls for Surgeons – Co-organiser
Bausch & Lomb Crystalens Course, London; June 2010
Success with Presbyopic IOLs – Organiser & Chair
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham; May 2010
Femtosecond Laser Corneal Surgery – Organiser & Chair
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham; May 2010
Which IOL should I have Doctor? (In conjunction with Paul Ursell) – Meeting Organiser
UKISCRS Satellite Meeting. Liverpool; May 2010
Co-morbidity in Cataract Surgery – Chair
All India Ophthalmic Society Annual Congress, Kolkata; January 2010
Leadership in Vision Meeting.
Key Considerations in IOL Selection – Leading Design, Leading Technology – Chair
AMO; October 2009
Surgical Skill Training Course: LASIK Wetlab
ESCRS, Barcelona; September 2009
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmologists National Study Day, Hull; June 2009
‘Achieving success with Multifocal IOLs’
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress; May 2009
‘Surgical correction of presbyopia’
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress; May 2009
‘Correcting astigmatism in refractive cataract surgery’
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress; May 2009
Chairman of Symposium on Multifocals, UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Brighton; November 2008
Surgical Skill Training Course
LASIK Wetlab, ESCRS, Berlin; September 2008
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology National Study Day, Hull; 2008.
AMO Leadership in Vision Meeting, Liverpool; 2008.
AMO Leadership in Vision Meeting, London; 2008.
Co-instructor – Skills Transfer Session
Advanced Phaco Lab, ASCRS, Chicago; 2008
AMO Workshop – Biometry Training, Coventry; October 2007
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery Symposium
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day, Hull; June 2007
LASEK Wet-Lab Course for UKISCRS, Microsurgical Teaching Unit, Warrington Hospital; November 2006
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day, Hull; June 2006
Chairman of Laser Refractive Surgery Didactic Course, Postgraduate Medical Centre, York Hospitals NHS Trust; February 2006
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day, Hull; June 2005
Managing Astigmatism in Refractive Cataract Surgery
ESCRS Congress, Paris; September 2004
LASEK Wet-Lab Course for UKISCRS
Microsurgical Teaching Unit, Warrington Hospital; September 2004
State of the Art Refractive & Cataract Surgery
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day, Hull; June 2004
A Cataract, an Excimer & an Ophthalmologist: Astigmatic & Presbyopic Targeting after Refractive Cataract Surgery
UKISCRS Satellite Meeting, Manchester; May 2004
LASEK Wet-Lab Course for UKISCRS
Microsurgical Teaching Unit, Warrington Hospital; September 2003
Managing Astigmatism in Refractive Cataract Surgery
ESCRS Congress, Munich; September 2003
State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day, Hull; June, 2003
Managing Astigmatism in Refractive Cataract Surgery
ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, San Francisco; April 2003
Astigmatism Management in Refractive Cataract Surgery: Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery
ASCRS Symposium in Philadelphia; June 2002
Refractive Cataract Surgery – New Community Based Strategies
The Deep Business Centre, Hull; May 2002
State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery Symposium
Chairman of Royal College of Ophthalmology Regional Study Day
Hull; April 2002
Refractive Surgery for General Practitioners
Hull Nuffield Hospital; February 2002
Refractive Cataract Surgery
Annual meetings of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRCS); 2000 & 2001
State of the Art Phacoemulsification
Hull; June 1999
Uveitis Symposium; February 1998
Local anaesthetic techniques in Ophthalmology; 1997
Phacoemulsification course; February 1995
Vision Surgery runs a continuous audit and research programme, which helps us and the wider eye surgery community to improve our techniques and results for the benefit of our patients. Some of our research presentations worldwide are listed below:
Pande, M., Proudfoot, E. Monocular Refractive Lens Exchange with ERV Lens in Patients with Presbyopia without any Significant Error for Distance.
ESCRS Lisbon, Portugal. October 2017
Pande. M. Functional vision assessment of customized micromonovision with extended range of vision intraocular lenses.
ESCRS, Barcelona. September 2015
Pande, M. Comparing the Accuracy of Spherical Equivalent Targeting in Eyes undergoing Cataract Surgery and Refractive Lens Exchange using Monotoric and Bitoric IOLs.
ESCRS, London. September 2014
Pande M. Characterising Ultrasound Power Modulation and Optimising its use in Patients with Dense Cataracts.
ESCRS, Amsterdam. October 2013
Pande M. Functional Vision & Objective Task Assessment in Eyes with a One-piece Full-zone Diffractive Aspheric Multi-focal IOL
ESCRS, Amsterdam, Netherlands. September 2013
Pande M. Functional Vision & Objective Task Assessment in Eyes with a One-piece Full-zone Diffractive Aspheric Multi-focal IOL
ASCRS, San Francisco, USA. April 2013
Pande M. Functional Vision & Objective Task Assessment in Eyes with a One-piece Full-zone Diffractive Aspheric Multi-focal IOL
Pande M. Mono Multi-vision: New Technique for Emmetropic Presbyopia Patients
ASCRS, Chicago, April 2012
Pande M. Accommodative Multifocal Mix & Match: Complete Presbyopia Patients
ASCRS, Chicago, April 2012
Pande M., Clinical Outcomes of Crystalens AO Accommodative Lens, ESCRS, Vienna, September 2011
Pande M., Mono Multivision: A new technique for correction in Emmetropic Presbyopia Patients, Vienna, September 2011
Pande M., PANFOCAL VA after Multifocal Mix & Match ESCRS, Paris September 2010
Pande M., Panfocal VA after Multifocal Mix & Match, ASCRS, Boston, USA. April 2010
Pande, M., Optical Properties/Quality of Vision. ESCRS, Barcelona. September 2009
Pande, M., Corneal & Intra-ocular Procedures for Presbyopia. ESCRS, Barcelona. September 2009.
Pande M., Mix & Match Compatibility Index; Choosing the best Binocular Vision. ESCRS, Berlin. September 2008.
Pande M., Mix and Match Compatibility Index: Choosing the Best Combination for Binocular Vision. ASCRS, Chicago. April, 2008
Pande M., Preoperative Prediction of Intraocular Lens Decentration: Exploring Angle Kappa. ESCRS, Stockholm. September 2007
Pande M., In Vivo Measurement of Optical Centration of IOL’s: New Method. ASCRS, San Francisco, March 2006.
Pande M., Large Single-Surgeon – Continuous Cohort Results of the 1CU Accommodating IOL. ASCRS, Washington DC, April 2005.
Pande M., The Millennium Advanced Flow System – A clinical safety and efficacy study. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Annual Congress. Paris, September 2004.
Pande M., Accommodating Response of the HumanOptics 1CU IOL – ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, San Francisco, April 2003.
Pande M., Flow & Temperature Rise in Phacoemulsification – ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, San Francisco, April 2003.
Pande M. et al, The effect of flow of Temperature rise in phacoemulsification. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Annual Congress, Nice, September 2002.
Pande M. et al, The effect of handpiece frequency on temperature rise in phacoemulsification. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Annual Congress, Nice, September 2002.
Reddy A., Pande M., Comparative Estimation of Anterior Chamber Depth by Ultrasound, Scanning Slit Topography (ORBSCAN) & Partial Coherence Interferometry (IOL Master). UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Chester, September 2002.
Reddy A., Ball J., Pal B., Pande M., Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth Measurements by Ultrasound A Scan, Scanning Slit Topography (ORBSCAN) and Laser Interferometry (IOL Master): ASCRS Symposium on Cataract IOL & Refractive Surgery, Philadelphia, June 2002.
Reddy A., Ball J., Pal B., Pande M., Repeatability of Magnitude and Meridian of Corneal Astigmatism with Orbscan Topography. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL & Refractive Surgery. Philadelphia, June 2002.
Reddy A., Pande M., Is preoperative high corneal astigmatism a contraindication to multifocal IOL implantation? ASCRS, San Diego 2001
Reddy A., Pande M., Are Anterior Corneal Curvature date alone sufficient in predicting the Spherical & Astigmatic Targeting in Refractive Cataract Surgery? ASCRS, San Diego 2001
Reddy A., Pande M., Is preoperative high corneal astigmatism a contraindication to Multifocal IOL Implantation: UKISCRS. Chester 2001
Reddy A., Pande M., Value of Posterior Corneal Curvature Data in Spherical and Astigmatic Targeting .in Refractive Cataract Surgery. UKISCRS. Chester 2001
Bagga P., Pande M., The safety and efficacy of Limbal Relaxing Incisions in cataract surgery. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and refractive surgery. Boston 2000.
Motwani N., Bagga P., Pande M., Limbal Relaxing Incisions in Modulating Pre-Existing Astigmatism in Cataract Patients. UKISCRS Annual Meeting, Chester, September, 2000.
Pande M., Dual Linear Phacoemulsification: A study of the surgical parameters European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Vienna 1999
Pande M., Ursell P., Spalton D.J., The incidence of posterior capsular opacification with PMMA, Acrylic and silicone IOLs 2-year follow up results. Annual Congress of Royal College of Ophthalmologists April -May 1997
Pande M., Corbett M.C., Marshall J., A new technique for assessing corneal wound healing and transparency after PRK – JERMOV, Montpellier 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Posterior capsular opacification with PMMA, Silicone and Acrysof Intraocular lenses: XIII Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1995.
Corbett M.C., Verma S., Prydal J.I., Pande M. et al, An in vivo analysis of cellular changes after Excimer laser PRK, and their correlation with Corneal haze and visual function. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress. Oxford 1995.
Verma S., Corbett M.C., Prydal J.I., Pande M. et al, The role of the epithelium in pain control after PRK. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress. Oxford 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Posterior capsular opacification with PMMA, Acrysof and Silicone implants randomised comparisons. Annual Congress of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Birmingham – 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., PMMA, Acrysof and Silicone intraocular lenses and posterior capsular opacification – A clinical trial. Annual meeting of The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A. – 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., In vivo lens epithelial cells behaviour after cataract surgery a natural history. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and refractive surgery. San Diego, U.S.A. – 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Posterior capsular opacification with PMMA, Acrysof and Silicone implants: A randomised clinical trial. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and refractive surgery. San Diego, U.S.A. – 1995.
Ursell P.G., Pande M., Spalton D.J., Cell Movement on IOL surfaces observed with sequential specular photomicrography. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and refractive surgery. San Diego, U.S.A. 1995.
Spalton D.J., Pande M., Ursell P.G., The effects of Different Intraocular lens materials on Postoperative Surface cytology. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and refractive surgery. San Diego, U.S.A. 1995
Pande M., Corbett M.C., Marshall M., Objective in vivo assessment of the corneal wound healing response after excimer PRK. Summitt International Laser Users group meeting. West Palm Beach, U.S.A. 1994.
Corbett M.C., Verma S., Prydal J.I., Pande M. et al, Epithelial healing after PRK. Annual meeting of the United Kingdom Intraocular Implant Society.1994.
Corbett M.C., Verma S., Prydal J.I., Pande M, The temporal and spatial changes in corneal epithelial thickness following PRK. XXVII International Congress of Ophthalmology. Toronto, Canada – 1994.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis and Implant Biocompatibility. Annual meeting of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Boston 1994.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., Objective quantitative assessment of posterior capsular opacification: A new method using high-resolution digital imaging and computer image analysis. Annual meeting of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Boston 1994.
Spalton D.J., Pande M., Kerr-Muir M.G., Marshall J., The postoperative inflammatory response to Phacoemulsification and extracapsular cataract surgery. Annual meeting of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Boston 1994.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., CCC and IOL Biocompatibility. XIth Congress of European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Innsbruck 1993.
Pande M., Shah S.M., Spalton D.J., Correlation’s between the anterior chamber flare and cell reaction and implant surface cytology. XIth Congress of European Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Innsbruck 1993
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Kerr-Muir M.G., Marshall J., Phaco and ECCE: the inflammatory response. Annual meeting of the U.K. Intraocular Implant Society. 1993.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Fitzke F.W., Marshall J., Objective quantitative assessment of posterior capsular opacification. Annual meeting of the U.K. Intraocular Implant Society. 1993.
Pande M., Shah S.M., Spalton D.J., Correlation’s between anterior chamber flare and cells and the cellular reaction seen on the surface of PMMA and Heparin Surface Modified implants. Annual Congress of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. 1993.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., Influence of Capsulorhexis on implant biocompatibility. Satellite meeting of the U.K. Intraocular Implant Society.1993.
Pande M., Hillman J.S., Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery. Xth Congress of European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Paris1992.
Pande M., Continuous Circular Capsulorhexis in Planned ECCE: A technique for assured in the bag implantation. Golden Jubilee Conference of the All India Ophthalmological Society – 1992
Pande M., Functional Visual Outcomes in patients with CrystalensHD IOL
Pande M., Panfocal VA: Practical Measure of Functional Vision in Presbyopia IOL Patients. ASCRS, Boston, USA. April 2010
Pande M., Advanced Optics Intraocular Lenses and Decentration. ESCRS, Lisbon, September 2005.
Pande M., Zyoptix 100 Wavefront-Based LASIK Using the 100Hz. Technolas & 217Hz Excimer Laser – Evaluation of Early Results from Global Cohort Study. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Annual Congress, Paris, September 2004.
Reddy A., Ball J., Pal B., Pande M., Repeatability of Meridian and Magnitude of Corneal Astigmatism with Orbscan. ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery. Philadelphia, June 2002.
Reddy A., Ball J., Pal B., Pande M., Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth by Ultrasound A Scan, Scanning Slit Topography (ORBSCAN) and Laser Interferometry (IOL Master): ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery. Philadelphia. June 2002.
Reddy A., Pande M., Is preoperative high corneal astigmatism a contraindication to multifocal IOL implantation? Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Manchester 2002.
Reddy A., Pande M., Value of Posterior Corneal Curvature Data in Spherical & Astigmatic Targeting in Refractive Cataract Surgery. Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Manchester 2002.
Reddy A., Ball J., Pal B., Pande M., Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth by Ultrasound A scan, Scanning Slit Topography (ORBSCAN) AND Laser Interferometry (IOL Master). Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Manchester 2002.
Pande M., Hollick E.J., Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., The first demonstration of lens epithelial cells regression, causing reduced amounts of posterior capsular opacification: A 2 years prospective randomised trial. Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Annual Congress Birmingham April -May 1997.
Pande M., Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., In vivo lens epithelial cell response in aphakia and pseudophakia. Annual Congress of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Birmingham – 1995.
Ursell P.G., Pande M., Spalton D.J., The in vivo movement of cells on the surface of intraocular lenses in humans observed with sequential specular photomicrography and the effects of topical pharmacology. ARVO – Fort Lauderdale – 1995.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., Human in vivo lens epithelial cell proliferation: Growth patterns, influence of surgical techniques and the anterior chamber flare and cell response. ARVO. 1994.
Pande M., Dabbs T.R., Vitreo–retinal complications with phacoemulsification surgery. Oxford Ophthalmological Congress. 1993.
Pande M., Noble B.A., The role of intraocular lens exchange in the management of major complications in implant surgery. Oxford Ophthalmological congress. 1992.
Pande M., Continuous Circular Capsulorhexis and Planned ECCE: Are they compatible. Annual Conference of The U.K. Intraocular Implant Society. September 1991.
Pande M., Videos of Complex Cases of Cataract Surgery & Discussions
Medicongress, Milan. October 2009
Pande M., Approaching Zero Power Phacoemulsification: Royal College of Ophthalmologists, May 2001
Pande M., Continuous Circular Capsulorhexis, Technique of Choice in Planned ECCE. Annual Conference of the U.K. Intraocular Implant Society. September 1991.
For over 30 years, Mr Pande has been publishing articles on Laser Eye Surgery, Cataract Surgery and Lens Replacement Surgery in numerous journals all over the world. Here is a selection:
Bourne A., Pande M., New Trends in Intraocular Lenses (Part 2). Optometry Today. Vol.48:11; 40-43. May 2008
Bourne A., Pande M., New Trends in Intraocular Lenses (Part 1). Optometry Today. Vol.48:7; 42-44. April 2008
Pande M., Malpositioned IOLs: What is the Appropriate Course of Action – Cataract Surgery Difficult Cases. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe.. October 2007.
Pande M., Analysis of a Refractive Surprise. REFRACTIVE EYE NEWS. 3(1): 18-19. 2004, Jun/July.
Reddy A.R,. Pande MV, Finn P, El-Gogary H: Comparative estimation of anterior chamber depth by Ultrasonography, Orbscan II and IOL Master. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY,: 30(6): 1268-71. 2004 Jun.
Pande M., Cataract Surgical Problem. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 30(6): 1155-6. 2004 Jun.
Pande M., LASIK Flaps: Top Ten Tips. REFRACTIVE EYE NEWS. 2 (4): 24. 2003 Dec/Jan.
Pande M., Refractive Surgery for Presbyopia. REFRACTIVE EYE NEWS. 2(1): 6-7. 2003 Jun/July.
Puri P., Motwani N., Pande M., Squamous carcinoma of the thyroid metastatic to the choroid. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE (Engl). 10(1): 63-4. 2001 Mar.
Stewart O., Walsh L., Pande M., Bilateral optic disc oedema associated with Latanoprost. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 83(9): 1092-3 1999 Sept.
Hollick E.J., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Pande M., Barman S.A., Boyce J.F., Tilling K., The effect of poly(methyl methacrylate), silicone and polyacrylic intraocular lenses on posterior capsular opacification 3 years after cataract surgery. OPHTHALMOLOGY.106 (1):49-54; discussion 54-5, 1999 Jan
Walsh L.M., Pande M., Capsulorhexis phymosis following uncomplicated phacoemulsification. EYE. 12 (Pt 6): 1036-7. 1998.
Hollick E.J., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Pande M., Lens epithelial cells regression on the posterior capsule with different intraocular lens materials. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 82(10):1182-8, 1998 Oct.
Hollick E.J., Spalton D.J., Ursell P.G., Pande M., Biocompatibility of poly(methyl methacrylate), silicone, and AcrySof intraocular lens randomised comparison of the cellular reaction on the anterior lens surface. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 24(3):361-6, 1998 Mar.
Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., Pande M., Hollick E.J., Barman S., Boyce J., Tilling K., Relationship between intraocular lens biomaterials and posterior capsule opacification. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY 24(3):352-60, 1998 Mar.
Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., Pande M., Anterior capsule stability in eyes with intraocular lenses made of poly(methyl methacrylate), silicone, and AcrySof. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 23(10):1532-8, 1997 Dec.
Pande M., Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., Heath G., Kundaiker S., High-resolution digital retroillumination imaging of the posterior capsule after cataract surgery. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 23(10):1521-7, 1997 Dec.
Pande M,. Spalton D.J., Kerr-Muir M.G., Marshall J., Cellular reaction on the anterior surface of poly(methyl methacrylate) intraocular lenses. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 22 Suppl. 1;811-7, 1996.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Kerr-Muir M.G., Marshall J., Postoperative inflammatory response to Phacoemulsification and extracapsular cataract surgery: aqueous flare and cells. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 22 Suppl. 1:770-4, 1996.
Pande M., Dabbs T.R., Incidence of lens matter dislocation during Phacoemulsification. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 22(6):737-42, 1996 Jul-Aug.
Corbett M.C., Prydall J.I., Verma S., Oliver K.M., Pande M., Marshall J., An in vivo investigation of the structures responsible for corneal haze after photorefractive keratectomy and their effect on visual function. OPHTHALMOLOGY 103(9):1366-80, 1996 Sep.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., In vivo human lens epithelial cell proliferation on the anterior surface of PMMA intraocular lenses. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 80(5):469-74, 1996 May.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Marshall J., Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis and intraocular lens biocompatibility. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 22(1):89-97, 1996 Jan-Feb.
Pande M., Shah S.M., Spalton D.J., Correlation’s between aqueous flare and cells and lens surface cytology in eyes with polymethyl methacrylate and heparin-surface-modified intraocular lenses. JOURNAL OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY. 21(3):326-30, 1995 May.
Ursell P.G., Pande M., Spalton D.J., The in vivo movement of cells on the surface of intraocular lenses in humans observed with sequential specular photomicrography and the effects of topical pharmacology. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE 1995. 36: ARVO Abstract 3674.
Corbett M.C., Verma S., Prydal J.I., Pande M. et al., The contribution of the corneal epithelium to the refractive changes occurring after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE 1995. 36:ARVO Abstract 7.
Pande M., Ursell P.G., Spalton D.J., Posterior capsular opacification with PMMA, Acrysof and Silicone Intraocular lenses – A prospective randomised clinical trial. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE 1995. 36: ARVO Abstract 1850.
Pande M., Corbett M.C., Marshall J., A new technique for assessing corneal wound healing after PRK. VISION RESEARCH 1995. 35: S120.
Pande M., Hillman J.S., Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery. In reply to letter from Dr. Guyton. OPHTHALMOLOGY 1994. 101: 793-94.
Pande M., Spalton D.J., Kerr-Muir M.G., Marshall J., Human Lens epithelial cell proliferation on PMMA implant surfaces: Growth Patterns, Interactions with the postoperative blood aqueous barrier and surgical technique. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE 1994. 35: ARVO Abstract 3138.
Spalton D.J., Pande M., Fitzke F., Marshall J., Objective assessment of posterior capsular opacification: A new method using high-resolution digital imaging and computerised image analysis. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE 1994. 35: ARVO Abstract 2634.
Pande M., Hillman J.S., Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery. In reply to letter from Dr. Mandell. OPHTHALMOLOGY 1994. 101: 217-19.
Pande M., Hillman J.S., Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery. In reply to letter from Dr. Doane and Dr. Cavanagh. OPHTHALMOLOGY 1994. 101: 216.
Pande M., Hillman J.S., Optical zone centration in keratorefractive surgery. Entrance pupil centre, visual axis, coaxially sighted corneal reflex, or geometric corneal centre. OPHTHALMOLOGY. 100 (8):1230-7, 1993 Aug.
Pande M., Noble B.A., The role of intraocular lens exchange in the management of major implant related complications. EYE. 7 (Pt 1):34-9, 1993.
Pande M., Continuous curvilinear (circular) capsulorhexis and planned extracapsular cataract extraction – are they compatible? BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 77(3):152-7, 1993 Mar.
Pande M., Ghanchi F., The role of preservatives in the conjunctival toxicity of subconjunctival gentamicin injection. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 76(4):235-7, 1992 Apr.
Pande M., Postoperative conjunctival chemosis in cataract surgery caused by subconjunctival gentamicin injection. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY. 75(11):660-2, 1991 Nov
Some of Mr Pande’s Patients
Julie & Kelly
“It was a first-class experience and having the Laser Eye Surgery treatment with Mr Pande has changed our lives in so many ways.”
“It made a massive difference. I was so happy and so pleased that I had gone ahead with it and it’s one of the best things I’ve done.”
“Within seconds I could see around the room and watch the tv without specs or contacts – which I’d not been able to do since childhood.”
“The morning after treatment my vision was truly amazing – beyond description. I had been so short-sighted for my entire life.”
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