Louth Lady Golfers
Lens Replacement Surgery
Four lady golfers at the Kenwick Park Golf club in Lincolnshire all developed problems with their eyesight and were forced to rely on their glasses more and more for everyday tasks.
Now, the women are back hitting balls on the sweet spot after leading eye surgeon Milind Pande of Vision Surgery and Research Centre used his surgical skills combined with the most scientifically advanced products on the market to help them achieve optimum vision with Lens Replacement Surgery.
Ann Walker, 59, was the first golfer from Kenwick Park near Louth to seek out Mr Pande’s expertise as she prepared for her year as club captain in 2012. “I knew I had a lot of speeches coming up and that would mean me putting on my glasses to read my notes and then peering over the top of them to see everyone,” she said. “I knew it wasn’t going to be easy with my glasses. Mr Pande had already been recommended to me so I did some more research and decided to go ahead.”
Mrs Walker, of Cleethorpes, had long-sightedness and Mr Pande performed Lens Replacement Surgery in her left eye to improve her near vision so she no longer required glasses. Her right eye was untouched, allowing her brain to process images from both eyes to see both long and near distances without the need for spectacles. “I wasn’t nervous having it done at all,” Mrs Walker said. “I was just so excited at the thought of being able to see.”
Impressed by the results, fellow golfer Jean Sizer, 67, also had Lens Replacement Surgery with the Vision Surgery team at Spire Hospital in East Yorkshire to allow her to read without the need for glasses while still being able to see long distances.
“It was a lot easier going to someone who came highly recommended,” Mrs Sizer of Louth said, who recommended Mr Pande to other golfers because she was so impressed by her results after surgery in 2013. I could always see a golf ball miles away but I was needing glasses to see up close,” said Jean Sizer, one of the golfers to visit Vision Surgery and Research Centre in East Yorkshire. “Now, I can see my score card without needing glasses and I’m so pleased I’ve had it done.”
Jenny Baxter, 59, and Patsy Clark, 71, both from Louth, had their Lens Replacement Surgery at Spire Hospital on the same day in February 2015.
Mrs Baxter said: “I’d worn glasses as a child, then contact lenses and I was then wearing varifocals but it was just a hassle, especially wearing glasses in the rain. I couldn’t see to text so I spoke to the other women and decided to have both eyes done. On the way back from the hospital, my husband was laughing because I was reading the registration plates of every car I saw.”
Mrs Clark was long-sighted but started to struggle with near vision as the years passed.
“It was getting impossible,” said Mrs Clark. “I tried contact lenses but couldn’t get on with them so I went to see Mr Pande and the rest is history. I’d always had perfect vision so to start having problems with my near vision when I was about 50 was hard. Now, I’ve got my good eyesight back again and I’m absolutely thrilled to bits. Not only can I see clearly, I can’t believe how bright colours are. And while I used to walk into a room and everybody’s faces were blurred, now I can see so clearly.”
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