Eye Surgery Results
Our Laser Eye Surgery results and all other vision correction treatment results match the best in the world. However, we are cautious about using our results to claim superiority as we are aware of the inherent limitations and inaccuracies involved when comparing results across different clinics and different surgeons.
Every clinic around the world will proclaim that their results are the best. There are many ways of presenting results, and inevitably everyone will pick the statistics which portray them in the best light.
Comparing results across Laser Eye Surgery clinics is deeply flawed, as every clinic will have a different set of patients with different characteristics – it is akin to comparing apples with oranges. Additionally, most high street clinics will lump all their surgeons’ results together, making it difficult to differentiate between the good surgeons and the not-so-good.
So don’t make your decision on the basis of results published on clinics’ websites!
One clinic achieving 20/20 vision in 95% of all its patients might be better than another clinic achieving 20/20 in 100% of a selection of patients. These patients may have been selected simply as those who achieved 20/20 vision.
To expect guaranteed 20/20 vision after surgery is unrealistic. There is no credible clinic or surgeon who can realistically guarantee 20/20 vision to any patient. If you are offered such a guarantee, it is either a sign of inexperience or more likely a serious misrepresentation designed to boost sales.
Our Laser Eye Surgery and Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) Treatment Results
The vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision, but we advise our patients that for the purpose of deciding whether to have such surgery, they need to be confident that they will achieve the legal standard of vision required to drive a car without glasses. This is a critical level of vision which allows someone to carry out most day-to-day tasks without the need for glasses.
Our Lens Replacement Surgery and Advanced Refractive Cataract Surgery Results
The vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision and are able to use computers and read menus, newspapers, books, magazines and telephone directories without glasses. However, we advise our patients that for the purpose of deciding whether to have such surgery, they need to be confident that without wearing glasses they will achieve the legal standard of vision required to drive a car and be able to read most things in good light. The level of near (reading) and intermediate (using a computer) can be tailored to individual requirements by using different replacement lens designs. We have pioneered the CUSTOMLENS technique, tailoring the lens choice for each eye to achieve the full range of near, intermediate and distance vision.
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Like Knowledge
The key to having successful vision correction surgery is to get high quality information and make a fully informed decision.
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