Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)
What is Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) Treatment?
Implantable Contact Lenses are similar to standard contact lenses, but sit inside the eye. It is a safe and effective option for short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism in younger patients who are unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery, because of a very high prescription or a high risk of laser complications.
The Implantable Contact Lens we use is tried and tested with good long term results, and is an additive procedure as the shape of the eye remains unchanged. It follows that the procedure is essentially reversible.
Our Implantable Contact Lens Techniques
The only ICL we use is the Visian Phakic Lens. This lens has been around for many years, is FDA-approved for use in America, and has been approved by the US military also.
This is the Implantable Contact Lens which gives the best visual results and has an excellent long-term safety record. Many budget clinics will offer cheaper ICL models which do not have a long term safety record and have not received FDA approval, and would not be authorised for use by the US military.
Your Comprehensive Assessment
At your consultation with Mr Pande, he will discuss the risks, benefits, alternative treatment options and potential complications of Implantable Contact Lens treatment in great detail and recommend the most appropriate option for your specific individual circumstances. If you are not a good candidate you will be advised not to have any surgery. A letter outlining the consultation will be sent to you and your general practitioner.
If you are aged 18-45, have a short sighted glasses prescription of less than -20 dioptres or a long sighted prescription of less than +6 dioptres, which has been stable for a year or more, have otherwise healthy eyes and enjoy good general health, you are a good candidate for Implantable Contact Lens treatment. If you are older than 45, need or are likely to need reading glasses in the near future or have a severe focussing error, ICL treatment is generally inappropriate and Lens Replacement Surgery could provide a better solution.
Safety & Results
The vast majority of our patients achieve 20/20 vision, but we advise our patients that for the purpose of deciding whether to have such surgery, they need to be confident that they will achieve the legal standard of vision required to drive a car.
As with all treatments, Implantable Contact Lens treatment carries with it with a small risk of complications. Generally there is a very minute chance of severe complications, while less severe complications can occur in about 1% to 5% of cases. Your need for reading glasses remains unchanged after ICL treatment.
No single vision correction surgical technique is suitable for all patients, and it is critical that treatments are tailored to fit the needs of each and every individual patient.
“It made a massive difference. I was so happy and so pleased that I had gone ahead with it and it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself.”
“If other people are thinking of having this done, I would recommend it. Mr Pande was fantastic. He helps to put you at ease and make you relax.”
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