Richard Beal
Laser Eye Surgery
Richard Beal, managing director of East Yorkshire’s Beal Homes, has shed the burden of contact lenses once and for all. After 20 years of fiddly lenses, the 46 year old dad of two, laid the foundations of a clearer future when he underwent Laser Eye Surgery.
He said: “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for years, but never had the confidence to go through with, as I was concerned about the risks of surgery. I read an article about Milind Pande and realised that one of the world’s leading eye surgeons was literally round the corner from my office, so I decided to go for it.”
Richard suffered from myopia (short-sightedness) with a prescription of -5. While laser surgery is the most widely publicised type of vision correction procedure, what many people don’t realise is that there are a variety of techniques available on the market. Following a full bespoke assessment, Mr Pande from Vision Surgery & Research Centre in Hull recommended blade-free LASIK treatment to deliver the best visual result.
Richard agreed: “I had both eyes operated on at the same time. I had my surgery around midday after a morning in the office. The surgery itself took about 15 minutes, was completely painless and I was home relaxing by mid-afternoon. I could literally see my vision improving by the hour! The following morning I drove – contact lens free – to Mr Pande’s office for a check-up and then onto work and I haven’t looked back since!”
“The sense of freedom and convenience the surgery has afforded me has been fantastic! I can pack an overnight bag without having to remember my contact lens paraphernalia, because lenses are not something you can just pick up at the local shop – and definitely not while on holiday. Not only that but, as a dad to two young children, I am no longer fumbling around in the middle of the night when one of them needs me. I can just get up and get on with it!”
Mr Pande confirmed: “Richard’s eyesight is now better than 20/20 and has continued to become sharper and clearer following surgery. We aim for this outcome every time. If you are aged 18 – 50, have a short-sighted glasses prescription of less than -8 or long sighted prescription of less than +3, you are potentially a good candidate are Laser Eye Surgery. If you’re over 50 or have a severe sight issue, lens based surgery could provide a better solution.”
This year Beal Homes will deliver 200 new homes to communities around East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. With a passion for exceptional homes as individual as their customers, Richard’s new eye for detail will help him deliver that promise, for many years to come.
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